HR Essentials

Employer must haves!

  • You are legally required to provide an employment contract by or before day 1, and your policies, employee handbook and job descriptions must be kept up to date and relevant.
  • We provide Word documents with the content you need for DIY, or we can quote for a bespoke document package specifically to fit your organisation.
  • Use the enquiry form and we’ll contact you to discuss your needs such as a retained, professionally indemnified advisory service, or Avalon’s “HR in a box” product.

What's involved?

Contracts of employment

Different service levels

Employee Handbooks

Procedural Checklists Forms & Letters

Employment Policies

Induction & Onboarding

Get in touch!

Got a question, or looking for a bespoke package? Please get in touch via the form below to find out more.

115 Merlin Park, Portishead, Bristol, BS20 8RL
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